Monday 19 January 2015

American Sniper review - Shot Through the Heart

So Clint Eastwood's new film, American Sniper, has been hitting it big at the box office and at the awards shows. In case you're wondering if the film deserves all the hype, the answer is no. Not even a little bit. 

Sunday 11 January 2015

Selma review

This new biopic about Martin Luther King, Jr. is an powerful, important film that reflects on the current situation, and would certainly be on my Top 10 List had I been able to see it on the date of its premier. It demands to be seen.

Saturday 3 January 2015

My Top 10 Best Films of 2014

2014 ended on Thursday. This weekend, I will not be watching a film. Instead, I will be looking back on everything that I watched last year and selecting my ten (okay, fourteen, with honourable mentions) favourite movies from 2014.