Thursday, 25 October 2018

Movie review: "First Man"

dir. by Damien Chazelle
written by Josh Singer
Oscar-bait biopics are one of those genres where technical execution is everything. Films like this are, by their very nature, contrived to exhibit performances, and more often than not tend to place their emphasis on time-tested emotional beats rather than any sort of more experimental approach. The mainstream biopic is inherently pulled between ambition and pandering: it needs to appeal to a wide audience, but it also needs to live up to its subject's legacy. Biopics often contain significant artistic accomplishments, but almost always within the confines of the genre's cliches and formulae.

First Man, which combines that with the longstanding tradition of expensive Hollywood space movies, is a perfect example of that. It's in many ways a familiar story, hitting on cliched emotional beats regarding family and grief, but it's well-paced and well-acted, especially from The Crown's Claire Foy, who gives depth to Janet Armstrong despite having little support from the script. Also present is the superstar powerhouse that is Ryan Gosling, here providing a somewhat more grounded performance than his usual persona, and the established directorial talents of Damien Chazelle, who turns each shuttle launch into a sort of horror movie without abandoning the requisite sense of wonder. As familiar as it can be, First Man is an example of how satisfying this genre can be when it works.

Friday, 12 October 2018

Scoring guide

Number scores are probably the least important part of my reviews, but I feel they serve an important purpose. Whereas the text explains my most relevant thoughts towards a film or show's qualities, the number score summarizes my personal reaction, and therefore puts all of the text in context. It serves, therefore, as something of a more direct recommendation. However, they've often been misinterpreted, so here I'll briefly explain how I use number scores on this blog.