Thursday, 29 October 2020

What I saw at the 2020 Calgary International Film Festival


This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Calgary International Film Festival has employed a hybrid model, with restricted seating for the in-cinema screenings and the introduction of both drive-in screenings and streaming video for at-home audiences. Because of this, the streaming movies don’t correspond to any specific date of the festival, and in many cases I watched them before the in-cinema or drive-in screening. Personally, I watched these films entirely at home; the cinemas may be opening, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to go. Besides, the in-cinema screenings were largely sold out by the time I bought my tickets. Alas, my internet and the light levels in my apartment are both less than ideal, so the viewing experience was not up to the same standard – then again, there’s also a shortage of major festival hits this year, given that Cannes was cancelled and the fall festivals were scaled down, and the most visually striking films I saw still impressed.

Despite these conditions – or, perhaps, because of them; I have plenty of free time right now – I still managed to catch seven films at this year’s festival. Here are short reviews of each: