21 Jump Street is about two young men, Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko who met when going to school to become police officers. They pass, and display typical enthusiasm about their new job. Cut to them on park duty, riding their police bikes. They see members of a drug cartel, and decide to make their first bust. Hilarity ensues, and I mean that in the best way possible. They manage to catch one of the dealers, but he gets away because our protagonists forgot to read him his rights.
Frustrated, their chief decides to send them to a special division called 21 Jump Street. The base is in a Korean church, complete with a Korean Jesus. It is there that they meet the leader of Jump Street, Capt. Dickson, who is an angry black man played by Ice Cube. I am not making this up. He assigns them to investigate a mysterious new drug that he found out about through a YouTube video, complete with legitimate-looking comments. In order to investigate this drug, they go undercover in High School, only to find that things have changed since they were there...
21 Jump Street looks and feels great. The comedy is brilliant, the action is exhilarating, and the story is very well written. However, the best part of the film is the fact that even after all of the amazingly silly comedy, the dramatic scenes still work. That is truly the sign of a great film. I can recommend this movie to anybody over the age of 13. Don't pass it up.
My final rating for this movie is a 9/10.
It is a great film, with almost every joke working perfectly, and somehow still manages to have functioning drama. Check it out.
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