Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Review

This is going to be a great year for super-hero movies, isn't it?

The Amazing Spider-Man is a wonderful movie. I wasn't really expecting to see anything as good as The Avengers this year, but here we are. Spider-Man is not better than The Avengers, but it's pretty much equal. That said, the films actually have very different themes. The Avengers built upon the characters created by previous films, and delivered by showing them doing their thing and being awesome. The Amazing Spider-Man has more sympathetic characters and a darker setting, and generally works by making us care about the characters.

And boy, does it work. These are really good characters. I think the only characters that aren't at least slightly sympathetic are the random thugs, and those could hardly be called "characters." Now, before Peter became Spider-Man, I was already willing to say that this is one of the best movies of the year. Then the wisecracks began. This movie has a very good sense of humour. The entire movie has you smiling, and when you aren't smiling, you are on the edge of your seat due to the suspense, or holding back tears during one of the film's more emotional scenes.

It's just a really good movie.

I compared it to the Avengers earlier, and yes, it really is that good. This is a movie that you need to watch.

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