I missed "Thor: The Dark World", but now I'm back at the Marvel movies! How does the newest one fare?This is one of the best of the Marvel movies, no question. It's a mix of political intrigue and fantastically-directed superhero action, and it works in every way conceivable. It's got everything that made the previous Marvel films great, and more.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is about Steve Rodgers, the titular superhero Captain America, an agent for the government agency S.H.I.E.L.D. However, soon he discovers that there's some shady business going on behind the scenes.
One of the greatest strengths of these Marvel films is how their protagonists are humanized. In The Winter Soldier, Steve Rodgers is as much Steve Rodgers as he is Captain America. He's more than a symbol: He's a three-dimensional character. It's not like he suits up and you think "oh hey, there's Captain America!". Even in the suit, he's still Steve Rodgers, because that's how the film succeeds in building his character. In addition, the character of Black Widow, previously introduced in the fantastic The Avengers, is developed much further, and becomes a more three-dimensional character on par with Captain America.
The script, which resembles a political thriller, is also fantastic. It is topical, but it breaches these topics in compelling ways. Dialogue is excellent, and there is character development all around. It's an intelligent picture, and never gives in to any big, dumb action influences like Iron Man 3 occasionally did. Instead, it brings back forces from Rogers' past, which resonates with the character in ways that supply further depth. Without too many spoilers, it culminates in a very emotional ending. The script, while leaving room for sequels, is definitely stand-alone and doesn't come off as leading in to something bigger.
There's also humour, but it's not badly placed. Like in Iron Man 3, the humour doesn't distract from the dramatic elements. Plus the humour is genuinely funny, with entertaining character interactions and one-liners galore. The blend of drama and humour in this political thriller environment definitely makes the movie much stronger.
Direction is also amazing. The camera is close when a scene needs to be claustrophobic, far when a grand scale is needed, and while there is some moments with very quick and shaky camera work, it's used to great effect. There's a lot of tension, and the film earns the "thriller" part of its genre description. The film is never less than engaging, and it's almost constantly gripping.
This is a very nice-looking film. Computer graphics are most likely prevalent, but they look fantastic. There's a lot of fictional technology, giving the film a science fiction feeling, like much of the Marvel Studios universe. Of course, this gadgetry looks nice as well. Costume design is great as always, especially with Captain America's outfit. Finally, the score is positively brilliant. Consisting of drum lines and soaring melodies, it's one of the best scores I've heard this year so far.
This is yet another great entry in Marvel Studios' lineup. I'd actually call it the best film I've seen this year so far. It's smart, it's excellently directed, it's entertaining, and it's thrilling. It succeeds at everything it sets out to do and more. Go watch it.
Nice review Alexander. It's always fun to watch Marvel movies and it seems like they just continue to get better and better, each and every time.