Saturday, 10 August 2013

Oblivion review

Oblivion is a fun movie. It's some truly engaging science fiction, with lush scenery, great action, and a compelling story. It may be familiar at times, but it has such wonderful production values that it's hard to notice. The storyline also has some interesting twists to it, which help make it more compelling. Tom Cruise's performance is fantastic, being charismatic as usual. It has an epic tone to it, accented by a fantastic soundtrack. Most of its faults are really buried under the fantastic scenery, tone, and storyline, which make a truly enjoyable experience.

However, the script is somewhat uneven, with occasional spots of iffy writing. The plot can get a little muddled, but the rest of the film distracts from it. It isn't the most original of works, with a number of plot elements taken from other science fiction films. There were points where plot elements were difficult to understand, although this is more a result of the pacing than other things, as it's very deliberate with its reveals.

Oblivion is a fun movie. It may be flawed, but it's well-made enough to distract from that, and remain enjoyable. I recommend it.

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