Sunday, 4 August 2013

The Wolverine review

Well, here's the third superhero movie of the year. After Man of Steel, I came to express caution about this film. It's good to know that my fears were unfounded.

The Wolverine's greatest strength is its depiction of the titular character. Logan is interesting and fleshed-out, and develops over the course of the film. His evolution over the course of the movie is genuinely fascinating. On top of that, context is given to his character through nightmare sequences, where we see what haunts him and what's going through his head at the moment. It's a unique substitute for inner monologue.

The movie also benefits from a semi-unique style. There's elements reminiscent of Japanese traditional culture, mixed with the comic book basis of the setting, to a great result. It gives the film a unique identity, which is further added to by it being a summer blockbuster without explosions. Most of the action scenes are smaller endeavors, man-vs-man conflicts that look amazing. Even the larger action set pieces work without the amount of noise and explosions associated with summer action films. It works to make the movie stand apart from its peers, and goes a long way to make it more watchable... For the most part.

The final act, unfortunately, is less superb than the rest, with several silly moments, with a ridiculous twist and a final action scene that consists mainly of tossing people off ledges. It does a lot to hurt a movie that had been carefully directed up until that point, and the sheer extent to which it is a nosedive in quality is jarring. At the same time, it is enjoyable, even if for the wrong reasons.

Despite that, it's a very well-made and enjoyable film, and mostly lives up to the hype. It may not change your life, but it's certainly a film worth watching.

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