Thursday, 20 June 2013

mbv review

So, new album from shoegazing band My Bloody Valentine. Gained critical acclaim. I'm here to add to that.

mbv has no singles, so there's no way for me to show you a snippet. Really, you can't publish a single from this album, anyways. It's an experience that must be had in whole.

"mbv" is a very atmospheric album, though it's not exactly minimalist. The sound doesn't resemble most similarly named bands, and is very dream-like. The album is a unique experience that is very hard to describe. The guitar playing is excellent, and held up by wonderful composition. The singing is light and distant, adding to the dreamy feel of the album. It's not monotonous, with some songs being heavier than others. However, it all adds to the same effect.

Overall, it's a great album, and highly recommended.

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