Monday, 17 June 2013

Tomorrow's Harvest review

Boards of Canada is an acclaimed electronic music group from Scotland. Their style is characterized primarily by atmospheric ambiance. Their newest release has gotten rave reviews following its release, but does it live up to the hype?

Tomorrow's Harvest is a hard album to review. Unlike "Random Access Memories", this is album is both lyric-free and rather subtle, meaning that it's not as easy to describe. It's a unique experience, with each song being intense, yet reserved. At no moment does it stop being engrossing, with the whole of the album immersing you in sound. There's distinct overtones of a first contact concept, as the music sometimes feels outright alien. It may be minimalist, but there's something epic about it. It sounds big despite actually being relatively small. This may be because of the large scale of the record. It also manages to stir up some complex emotions, as all good ambient music should. They're hard to explain, but it definitely is a personal album with some fascinating musical concepts.

Altogether, it's a definite must-buy. Boards of Canada deserves their accolades, as this is a fantastic piece of work. It's just a great album.

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