Monday, 24 June 2013

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls review

Yes, I saw this. Yes, I enjoyed it. No, it's not as good as everyone says.

The movie was actually a lot of fun to watch. The characters are as entertaining as always, and much of the humor works. Both of the songs are happy, and the themes are as great as I've come to expect from this series. The plot surprisingly isn't at all bland, with the blandest parts being the parts that stray away from the "fall queen" concept. It's cute and fun, and is mostly what we'd expect from this writing team. The animation is also good, with most animation being very fluid. It even throws a couple surprises out, as such it is not entirely predictable.

However, some of the character design can be rather questionable, with each new thing being uglier than the last. The intro is a bit dull, though it's certainly better than what comes right after. There is one recurring gag, where Twilight adjusts to her human body, that begins cringe-inducing, and only gets more painful as it goes on. Near the end, the picture reaches a natural conclusion, but takes blatant steps to artificially extend its length something like twenty minutes. For example, there's a romantic "subplot" in there, with "subplot" in quotes because there's no arc to it. In fact, the character of Flash Sentry only appears in filler, making him absolutely useless. The ending may be cool on paper, but shows some of the movie's worst character design and is probably the film's blandest point.

Regardless, the film is highly enjoyable, and I'd recommend it to bronies and non-bronies alike.

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