Monday, 24 June 2013

MLP episode re-review: Magical Mystery Cure

When I reviewed this episode back when it came out, I didn't really reflect my opinions on it. Since then, the said opinions have shifted a bit. Thus, let's tear this thing a new one.

With the recent success of the feature film Equestria Girls, this has become an even larger embarrassment. I don't think there's anything in this episode that I really like, and over time I only came to find more things to dislike.

The episode consists heavily of songs, but none of these songs are among Ingram's best compositions. Each one is dull and wastes time describing a situation for far longer than it should. Each of the songs could be taken out and nothing would be lost. In fact, it would probably make the episode better, because there would be more time to develop the actual episode.

The episode basically delegates the rest of the Mane 6 to the importance of side characters. This would be fine if they didn't still feature prominently in the episode. They're main characters, but here they're essentially MacGuffins. People have called this like a series finale, and if it was, then it'd be even more inexcusable, because it only provides an ending for Twilight while leaving the rest hanging. In fact, the episode goes out of its way to put Twilight on a pedestal, taking several accomplishments that Twilight wouldn't be able to do without her friends and giving her far too much credit for them. This one song where Celestia sings makes it seem like the entire series was all about Twilight and that her "friends" never mattered. It begun on Twilight, but it evolved past her-something that the writers didn't realize.

The story is underdeveloped, and moves from point A to point B, and nothing more. It's pretty much an excuse for the songs and for Twilight to become an alicorn. This wouldn't be so bad if the songs actually added anything to the plot, but as said, they go absolutely nowhere. And then it ends by tempting fate. You need to follow that up! You can't end like that, because people expect something to happen.

This review was just for good measure. It's been boiling in my system for a while now, and I needed to get it out. Also, consider this the actual review, and not the one I wrote at the episode's release, because this one actually reflects my opinion.

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