Saturday, 29 December 2012

MLP Episode Review: Spike at Your Service

We've got a good one today.

This episode is an immediate favorite of mine. The more I think about it, the more things I find to love. From the humor, to the animation, to the writing, it's one of the best episodes of the season.

The Timberwolves, last seen in the episode "Family Appreciation Day" of Season 2, return here. The animation of them is very, very pretty. It looks like borderline cell-shading, actually, yet it meshes well into the show's style, even though it shouldn't. Overall it just looks great.

The humor of this episode is leagues above anything that came before. Many of the funniest episodes previous to this were cartoony in their humor, but this episode is genuinely witty. Part of this is that the character interactions are excellent, but it's also just very good humor. If you prefer the silly humor of previous wacky episodes, then Spike is full of it. There's some appeal for everyone. One of the funniest episodes yet.

However, the episode's greatest strength is its overall writing, and how the characters interact. There haven't been all that many casual conversations this season, but our waiting pays off here, as the banter between characters is truly excellent. The Mane Six are the closest they've been since Season 1, but their dialogue is better written than that season. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have a little conversation in the middle of the episode, in what is probably my favorite scene of the entire season, if not the entire series, conversing in a way that seems natural. They give off the impression of good friends, unlike some episodes I could name. It's at moments like this, and episodes like this that we really see how much the writers have improved since Season 2.

Quite simply, it was a great episode. I would say that it's also a great entry point for the series, not requiring any knowledge of the characters to watch but still being a treat for returning viewers. One of the best of the season.

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